How to insert a table in word windows 8
How to insert a table in word windows 8

how to insert a table in word windows 8

You can use IF statements, AND and OR operators and more. If you want to see a list of all the functions you can use in your Word formula, just click on the Paste Function box. Using these combinations, you can pretty much reference any data you like.

how to insert a table in word windows 8

If you write =SUM(A1:B3), it will add A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, and B3. You can also reference individual cells like writing =SUM(A1, A2, A3), which will give you the same result. This is really convenient because you can put the formulas anywhere you want in the table. I could also simply go into any cell and type in =MAX(A1:A3), which references the first three rows in the first column. However, there is another way you can do this. If I wanted to find the maximum number in the first column, I could add another row and then use the =MAX(ABOVE) function to get 30. Now let’s talk about some of the other functions and how we can specify cells in a different manner. =SUM(ABOVE, RIGHT) would add all numbers that are above the cell and to the right. For example, I could type in =SUM(LEFT, RIGHT) and it would add all the cells that are to the left and right of that cell. In addition, you can use these arguments in combination. You can use these positional arguments with SUM, PRODUCT, MIN, MAX, COUNT and AVERAGE. In the example, LEFT means all cells that are to the left of the cell in which the formula is entered. In Excel, you only specify cell references or named ranges like A1, A1:A3, etc., but in Word, you have these positional terms you can use. Just like Excel, a formula starts with an equals sign, followed by a function name and arguments in parenthesis. If you were to simply click OK, you will see the value we are looking for in the cell (30). This will bring up the Formula dialog with a default of = SUM(LEFT). To do this, click inside the last cell in the fourth column, click on Layout in the ribbon and then click on Formula at the far right.

how to insert a table in word windows 8

In the first example, I’m going to add the first three values in the first row together (10 + 10 + 10). I’ve just made a really simple table with a couple of numbers for my example. Once your table has been inserted, go ahead and add in some data.

How to insert a table in word windows 8